Description,Published,Created by,Updated,Title,Cover image,image "

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus vitae pretium sapien. Nunc nec est venenatis diam gravida porttitor. Nam volutpat suscipit nisi, sed placerat lorem vestibulum non. Pellentesque purus diam, laoreet sit amet malesuada quis, egestas pellentesque dui. Nunc blandit ante eget orci dignissim luctus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam consectetur urna orci, sit amet blandit lorem lacinia a. Sed condimentum ex et tortor euismod, sed efficitur libero consequat. Mauris id leo fringilla, eleifend leo sed, porttitor massa.

",2020-03-02 17:58:46,contractor2,2020-03-02 18:01:13,"Nunc tincidunt, purus vitae congue dignissim, diam purus malesuada tellus",, "

Sed scelerisque eu dui et euismod. Curabitur tempus quam elementum tincidunt suscipit. Vivamus ut nisl quis elit fringilla ullamcorper. Nulla non imperdiet nulla, nec sollicitudin tortor. Quisque ultrices porttitor pharetra. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum mollis faucibus ligula, vitae tempor erat cursus a. Phasellus ac odio convallis, condimentum justo eget, consectetur sem. Nulla vitae nisl nec nunc tempus euismod sed id lacus. Aliquam velit tortor, placerat vel nunc a, dignissim finibus ipsum. Etiam sed eros placerat, luctus dolor cursus, gravida eros.

",2020-03-02 17:57:34,contractor2,2020-03-02 17:58:45,"Aliquam ex lorem, interdum eu faucibus sed",, "

Nulla facilisi. Curabitur nec mauris dignissim augue consequat bibendum. Vestibulum ut placerat felis. Suspendisse finibus a turpis eu egestas. Suspendisse vel elit felis. Nunc eget purus ante. Nam arcu urna, vulputate vulputate ultricies a, malesuada nec est. Aenean tortor ante, posuere eu dui eget, cursus rutrum nisi. Aenean vel arcu augue. Vivamus iaculis augue at velit dictum, at sollicitudin dolor convallis. Sed at eros eu dui blandit fermentum. Donec dapibus tellus elit, et iaculis justo dictum a. Sed vitae nulla non augue ultrices faucibus ac id lorem.

",2020-03-02 17:55:09,contractor2,2020-03-02 17:57:33,"Etiam vel tincidunt elit, et blandit lorem",, "

 Proin bibendum, libero egestas rutrum ultricies, leo lectus varius lectus, condimentum volutpat justo leo at urna. Ut sit amet iaculis dolor. Etiam quis arcu vel orci vehicula ultricies. Integer tempus nunc in nisi viverra rhoncus. Nulla elementum placerat lorem. Nulla non tortor eu enim tristique lobortis. Quisque porttitor cursus lorem. Donec sollicitudin nisl justo, in consectetur lectus mattis id.

",2020-03-02 17:53:55,contractor2,2020-03-02 17:55:08,Sed at mauris tortor,, "

Integer at purus ultricies, pulvinar elit at, mattis dui. Donec at dui lorem. Sed accumsan felis dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed dignissim nisi scelerisque nisl imperdiet venenatis. Pellentesque tristique justo metus. Pellentesque tincidunt tellus id urna commodo, sed cursus tortor porttitor. Aenean vel laoreet enim. Nunc egestas mi est, nec sollicitudin mauris sollicitudin non. Integer augue felis, commodo in ipsum ac, sollicitudin convallis sapien. Nulla ac ultricies ex. Sed interdum scelerisque tellus, vel pretium nunc faucibus non. Aliquam vitae mi in eros congue tristique. Aliquam ac feugiat nulla.

",2020-03-02 17:46:42,contractor2,2020-03-02 17:53:52,"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",, ,2020-02-18 13:36:33,webmaster,2020-02-18 14:16:44,"EMSA network of standby oil spill response vessels, EAS & dispersants stockpiles, and RPAS services",, ,2020-02-18 13:13:30,webmaster,2020-02-18 15:40:53,3rd CISE Stakeholders Group meeting,, "


The Training on THETIS-Med of the EU-funded SAFEMED IV project took place on 12-13 February 2020 at EMSA premises in Lisbon. Overall, 16 participants from Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey attended the course.


The two-days training aimed at ensuring a smooth transition to THETIS-Med by providing participants with an overview of the system in order to familiarize themselves with the latest functionalities and features. These include the management of beneficiary countries' offices and ports scheme, as well as port calls, allocation, inspection reporting, inspection details (validation, modification, and ban), and the internal notifications and documents published in the system.


THETIS-Med became operational on the 1st of February 2020 for all Med MoU Members, as requested by the Med MoU Committee Meeting at its 19th session. In this way, SAFEMED IV beneficiary countries’ representatives were provided with additional knowledge and expertise to improve Port State Control activities.



",2020-02-17 11:56:52,capbuild,2020-02-17 12:57:30,SAFEMED IV Training on THETIS-Med,, "

The current French Chairmanship of the European Coast Guard Functions Forum (ECGFF) organised together with EMSA a joint workshop on “Information sharing and data security in the maritime safety and security domains”, hosted by EMSA on 11-12 February 2020.

The general objective of the workshop was to share best practices among the various relevant national and regional stakeholders, stimulate reflection regarding priorities to be identified and key challenges in information sharing and data security in the maritime safety and security domains, from the perspective of three overarching themes:

1. Data Sharing

2. Cyber Security in the Maritime Sector

3. RPAS and Emerging Technology



The Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) was discussed throughout the workshop but in particular during the thematic plenary and break-out sessions on Data Sharing. Under this theme, EMSA provided a presentation on the Transitional Phase of CISE, which is being coordinated by the Agency, including an overview of the progress of the activities leading to an operational phase of CISE.

CISE was addressed also in the contributions from EFCA, Frontex and EDA, and presented in the perspective of several communities such as fisheries, border control and defence. Amongst the conclusions of the Data Sharing sessions, it was noted that while there is already a CISE technology achievement, there is still work to do in order to define the agreement for sharing the information (cooperation agreement). Increasing the cooperation will increase the trust, and building trust can also be made through training and exercises.

",2020-02-17 11:40:41,capbuild,2020-02-17 14:53:28,CISE Transitional Phase contributed to the joint EMSA-ECGFF workshop in Lisbon,, "

The 3rd CISE Stakeholder Group meeting of the transitional phase of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) took place on 13 February 2020, where members joined to discuss the activities of the transitional phase and its progress. Amongst other topics, an update was given on the development in a dedicated working group of a Cooperation Agreement for information sharing, and another working group was set up to analyse the concept of Responsibility to Share. The plan for a test campaign was agreed, and a forthcoming Security Study was discussed. CSG members were updated of the back-to-back workshop of the European Coast Guard Functions Forum (ECGFF) on 11-12 February 2020 in Lisbon, where CISE had been one of the thematic sessions. EU Agencies and services provided status reports for their plans and implementation of the CISE network, following similar presentations by member states at previous meetings. Participants, increasing in numbers, represented in total 15 EU/EEA member states coming from different maritime surveillance sectors, the European Commission (DG MARE), EDA, EEAS, EFCA, EMSA, JRC, Frontex and SatCen.


",2020-02-14 07:53:54,capbuild,2020-02-14 11:45:46,3rd CISE Stakeholder Group meeting,, "


Under the framework of the EU funded SAFEMED IV project, EMSA’s staff delivered the training on THETIS-Med in Izmir, Turkey, from 5 to 6 February 2020. Overall, 22 participants from the Turkish Maritime Administration attended the course.


The two-days training aimed at ensuring a smooth transition to the new system by providing participants with an overview of the system in order to familiarize themselves with the latest knowledge in THETIS-MED's functionalities and features. These include the management of not only MS office and ports scheme, but also MS users such as Portal (EMSA IDM) and local configuration (THETIS user config), inspection details (validation, modification, and ban), the internal notifications and publishing documents in THETIS-MED. The training focused also on the revision of the tasks of the National Administration.


THETIS-Med became operational on the 1st of February 2020 for all Med MoU Members. THETIS-Med’s training sessions strengthen cooperation and encourage partnerships between the staff of the beneficiary country maritime administration and EMSA staff aiming at improving Port State Control activities.

",2020-02-11 10:51:36,capbuild,2020-02-17 12:58:06,SAFEMED IV Training on THETIS-Med for Turkey,, "


Within the framework of the EU funded SAFEMED IV project, EMSA delivered a training session on THETIS-Med for the Regional Administrator, which was hosted at EMSA premises, in Lisbon, from 21 to 22 January 2020.


In the context of aligning the key elements for the successful implementation of the Port State Control activities, the Med MoU Information Centre (CIMED) in Casablanca will act as Regional Administrator of the THETIS-Med, the system developed by EMSA for the member countries of the Mediterranean MoU on Port State Control as requested by the Med MoU Secretariat at the 19th Committee Meeting in Cyprus in 2017. The objective of this activity was to enable the familiarisation of the Regional Administrator with THETIS-Med, its functionalities, and features.


In detail, the two-days training for the Regional Administrator verged on the management of Member State details, document templates, MS office and ports scheme, MS users such as Portal (EMSA IDM) and local configuration (THETIS user config), inspection details (validation, modification, and ban), the internal notifications and publishing documents in THETIS-Med. The training included also the revision of the tasks of the National Administration as well as of available reports and former Med reports included in THETIS-Med.


THETIS-Med is available for Port State Control Officers across the Mediterranean to select ships for inspection and report inspections’ results since 1 February 2020. Through the development of THETIS-Med, SAFEMED IV strengthens its commitment and efforts towards the beneficiary countries by bringing existing cooperation to a new level.

",2020-02-11 10:47:25,capbuild,2020-02-17 12:58:32,SAFEMED IV Training on THETIS-Med for the Regional Administrator,, "

The EMSA Single Programming Document 2020-2022 was adopted by the Administrative Board at the end of 2019.

It constitutes the Agency’s roadmap for the year to come, laying out the specific actions and resources for 2020, and provides an indication of possible developments in the medium term.

",2020-02-11 09:30:39,webmaster,2020-02-11 09:32:57,Single Programming Document 2020-2022,"a:3:{s:12:""originalname"";s:18:""cover_spd_2017.jpg"";s:12:""existingname"";s:0:"""";s:4:""desc"";s:0:"""";}", "

",2020-02-10 13:50:34,cnta,2020-02-10 13:54:52,"SAFEMED IV Newsletter (issue 3, February 2020)","a:3:{s:12:""originalname"";s:19:""cover-safemed-3.jpg"";s:12:""existingname"";s:0:"""";s:4:""desc"";s:0:"""";}", "

Under the Human element component, a joint training session was held for Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 inspectors under the two European Neighbourhood policy projects which EMSA is implementing. The session was carried out at EMSA premises on 5 – 6 February 2020 and 34 participants altogether from the Black and Caspian Project and SAFEMED IV beneficiary countries participated.

The interactive training contributed to achieving a high level of understanding of the fundamental seafarers rights and challenges thereof; the structure of the Convention going into depth through its Chapters on the first day and leading the participants through a simulated inspection under MLC the second day encompassing all stages: preparing for the inspection, checking the MLC ship related documents, seafarers’ MLC related documents; inspecting the living and working conditions on board.

The trainer gave a notion of more-detailed inspection under MLC, detentions and rectification plans and proposed a guidance on how to deal with on-shore complaints and how to report the inspection.

Many beneficiary countries still have not ratified the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and the training session contributed to a great extend for a deeper understanding of the specifics and challenges of the ratification and the subsequent implementation processes which the countries are heading at undergoing.

",2020-02-10 11:55:35,capbuild,2020-02-10 13:24:50,"ENP Projects Training for MLC, 2006 inspectors",, "

In this issue: Port state control: THETIS-Med enters into service; EMSA holds IMSAS preparatory training session; EMSA hosts study visit from Albanian maritime authorities; RPAS surveillance flights being used to enhance fisheries control; Improving Satellite-AIS coverage; Accident investigation preparation; EMSA to better its own environmental performance.

",2020-02-07 13:45:15,webmaster,2020-02-11 11:00:13,Newsletter February 2020,,

Senior Communication Officer

,2020-02-07 13:43:08,Vacancies,2020-02-07 13:43:15,EMSA/AD/2020/02,,

Policy Adviser - International and Interinstitutional Relations

,2020-02-07 13:28:34,Vacancies,2020-02-07 13:28:46,EMSA/AD/2020/01,, "

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been closely cooperating with the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) to support enhanced fisheries control by providing additional surveillance capacity from a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS). EMSA has made available a quadcopter for flights taking off from EFCA’s chartered offshore patrol vessel, the Lundy Sentinel, and operating over areas of interest in the Mediterranean Sea, western waters of the North-East Atlantic Ocean, North Sea and Baltic Sea.


The RPAS service provided by EMSA offers complementary support to EFCA which has been exploring new and innovative solutions to enhance fisheries control. More specifically, the RPAS service enables pre-boarding assessments, surveillance during boarding and post boarding analysis to be carried out remotely and thereby benefiting fisheries inspections and control. This concept can also be applied to other coast guard functions.

By flying in the vicinity of a vessel, the RPAS can collect data relating to the ongoing activity. This data can then be transmitted in real time to EFCA’s liaison officer deployed on board the Lundy Sentinel, as well as to EFCA’s coordination centre in Vigo, and EMSA’s headquarters in Lisbon via secure Satcom links.

These RPAS services take place within the context of European cooperation on coast guard functions, in which EFCA, EMSA and Frontex provide support to member states’ national competent authorities ensuring cost effective and coordinated action.



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",2020-02-05 08:54:20,webmaster,2020-02-05 10:02:02,RPAS surveillance flights being used to enhance fisheries control,,

Provision of ICT Services for SEG and IMS Mobile Applications

,2020-02-04 08:44:52,webmaster,2020-02-05 08:49:03,EMSA/OP/1/2019,,