How to configure content type layout on FC v2.0 ?

12 years 8 months ago #25218 by arnaud.blain

I'm developping a new website on joomla 2.5.4 using Flexicontent 2.0.

So I use my old templates (Orchid One's Tab template) for an item and in front-end it shows tabs but on backend i can't edit the content type layout as I could do before.


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12 years 8 months ago #25221 by ggppdk
mmm, I have not used this template , cannot answer this, maybe someone else could

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12 years 8 months ago #25229 by micker
i didn't think this template is compatible with FC 2.0 ..
did you try to contact orchid ?

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12 years 8 months ago #25233 by igcorreia
I think I know what template is about but the problem is that FC has change a lot since this template was made.

Can you specify for witch version that template was made.
If I am correct then your template is Very incompatible in many ways.

Can you explain me what are you actually trying to do?

In the back end you can't see or change the code of the templates. you can only assign a template to the TYPE and to a CATEGORY. So what is happening to you is correct or I miss understood.

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12 years 8 months ago #25259 by arnaud.blain
yes that's what I've seen, template have quite changed.

Orchid seems to be dead, i asked them a lot of questions but never answer and their components are not upgraded. And the template has benn created in 23 January 2010. It's a pitty because they had Fleximap pro they did too that doesn't work too in FC 2.0

But I was surprised because I can add and edit this template in FC 2.0 but it's just the Configuration Type that doesn't work.

I'm sorry but I can't add picture, it says : "Désolé, le quota de fichiers joints a été atteint." but you can see a weblink : ... Itemid=871

best regards

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12 years 8 months ago #25261 by ggppdk
Here is a free Google maps plugin from an active FLEXIcontent community member, ... ns-joomla/

It has not been updated for FC v2.0

but the changes needed to work in J2.5 are small

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