Counter comments - field plugin from Flexicontent 2.0

13 years 1 week ago #22407 by Arkadiy
This plugin is required to display the number of comments on the article in the CCK Flexicontent.

The plugin can be used both independently and jointly with the plugin plg_fc_jc_counter, located in the same archive. When sharing the server resources are saved - the derivation of the number of comments does not happen any query to the database (they are made while keeping the commentary that is much less). In standalone mode, every item on the page is added in a single query.

Use easy - unpack the archive (it has two plug-ins), set and publish the plugin plg_flexicontent_jcomments (or both plug-in), create a new field of Flexicontent with the appropriate type (it will appear in the list of field types), bind fields to the template. If both the plugin, you need to post a comment field to go into the settings and select the plug-plg_fc_jc_counter where the comment field that you have created.

In the setting of comment fields to select stand-alone or shared mode use and display the number of unpublished comments.

Plug-in for Flexicontent 2.0. For earlier is not suitable.

See in action here (to the right of vote).

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13 years 1 week ago #22410 by Rehne
Great ... and thanks

but is this really a plugin for FC 2.0 or at least for FC 1.5.X?

Why do I question?
as far as I know there is still no JComments version for Joomla 1.7/2.5
and FC 2.0 is just now for Joomla 1.7/2.5


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13 years 6 days ago #22439 by Arkadiy
No error. I already have Jcomments, will soon be at all.

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13 years 6 days ago #22443 by micker
when it was finished send my a presentation like this ... ntent.html
i add it in extension site

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13 years 6 days ago #22450 by Rehne

Arkadiy wrote: No error. I already have Jcomments, will soon be at all.

do you mean
the version of Fcomments for Joomla 1.5
runs on Joomla 1.7/2.5 too without Problems

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13 years 6 days ago #22454 by Arkadiy

Rehne wrote:

Arkadiy wrote: No error. I already have Jcomments, will soon be at all.

do you mean
the version of Fcomments for Joomla 1.5
runs on Joomla 1.7/2.5 too without Problems

No, I'm a beta tester jComments, will soon be jComments 2.3.0.

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