Two textarea (with tinymce enabled) in the same page

12 years 1 month ago #24278 by Amélie33
I have two fields texterea (description and an other that I've added) in the same page (in admin)
But the first one is not working. It seems empty but it's not (with firebug I can see the good code in it, the text is here). And I can not click in it, or write in it.
When I click on "basculer l'editeur" (that's mean no tinymce) I can see my text, and when I clic again (that's mean tinymce is reloaded) I can see my text correctly.

How can I do to make it work so I can see and modify the text any time. I can't tell to my client "click two times on the button it will reappear"

The second textarea is ok.

Thank you

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12 years 1 month ago #24286 by micker
did you try with jce or joomck ?

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12 years 1 month ago #24289 by Amélie33
What do you mean?

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12 years 1 month ago #24299 by micker
maybe a javacript conflict when you use twice

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12 years 1 month ago #24444 by Amélie33
Firebug doesn't find any javascript error.
I didn't install any editor (jce or joomck), only flexicontent and editor by default.

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12 years 1 month ago #24448 by micker
try with jce

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