Some issues in frontend editing

12 years 2 months ago #24001 by horsey

ggppdk wrote: No i will log into your site and check this since this seems an important issue, please enable FTP mode and install extplorer component

With debugging on I had a 500 error, could have tried that earlier:

JDatabaseMySQL::query: 1062 - Duplicate entry '292' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `jos_flexicontent_items_ext` ( `item_id`,`type_id`,`language`,`sub_items`,`sub_categories`,`related_items`,`search_index` ) VALUES ( 'etc...' )

I looked at the table, some item ids were in deed already there!
I deleted a couple of rows. After that the Flexi item manager suggested to bind 1 row again (very cool) and after that now it works again.

I have no idea how that could have happened. Do you?

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12 years 2 months ago #24026 by ggppdk
I think it was because of frontend form or because of copy task.

I fixed frontend form see here: ... 160#p24024

Did not have time yet to test copy task in your site, but i think issue may have been because of frontend form.

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12 years 2 months ago #24200 by horsey
Hola, just to let you know, title and description are still saved to the Joomfish table, when edited from the frontend, changes don't appear in the FC backend anymore.

I could live with that, but I don't think this is wanted behavior, is it?

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12 years 2 months ago #24201 by horsey
The copy error returned, but different. I get 500 now when I hit copy. And some items are missing altogether from the system. I guess some db table is compromised again. I'll go about deleting row by row to see wether it fixes it again.

Could that happen if editing happens from the back- and frontend simultaneously? Not locked when accessed from the frontend?

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12 years 2 months ago #24203 by horsey
Sorry to say, but now its messed up. The translations of the missing items are still there, but not for the same language anymore.

Now I have the German translation written to the English item and the original German item in the jos_content table is ¡gone!

I'll have to restore the db, loosing another day of editing work, just to say.

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12 years 2 months ago #24204 by horsey
I find it quite ok to have a different document for every language.
All I need Joomfish for is the translation of the interface and the labels.

Couldn't you just read from the Joomfish tables, but never write to them for the moment?

The way it all works now for multi language content items, there is really no need to write to the Joomfish tables at all.

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