Certain URLs suddenly getting Flexi redirects / 403 errors

12 years 1 month ago #24703 by printjunky
Hi there.
Our newspaper uses Flexicontent for just one part of our content management to manage user-submitted press releases, but the rest of our content is managed by the Joomla core.

Yesterday, apparently out of the blue, a small number of articles not normally managed by Flexi, started redirecting to a Flexicontent URL. This results in a 403 error, referring to mis-categorized content). We have checked the content and it appears to be set up the same as working articles.

I have seen similar problems mentioned in the forums, but I was not able to figure out the solution and more importantly, I was not able to understand what was happening to cause this redirect, so I can prevent/fix this easily if it ever happens again and train staff on what to look for or what to avoid.

Sidenote: This coincided with one of our editors not being able to access the core J! Article Manager in a brand new install of W7/IE. He was instead rerouted to the Flexi dashboard (which had never happened to him in 5 or so years with Joomla) We don't believe he would have changed anything (or even poked around or tried to use anything) in Flexi. It might also be notable, that we did an install of Firefox on his machine and the behavior he was seeing stopped. That is, he was able to go right to the core article manager and post articles as he normally would.

But for some reason, perhaps related, perhaps not, some number of articles are still giving us 403 errors when they redirect to the Flexi URL.
It appears that Flexi "took over" management of those articles at some point for some reason.

And NOTE: Changing the alias of the article causes them to work (as I think would be expected).

For reference, our site:

is running
Joomla! 1.5.11
FLEXIcontent version 1.5.3c
Flexiaccess 1.0.5

The article that redirects 403s: www.rcreader.com/index.php?optio ... s&id=22542
(the intended URL: www.rcreader.com/movies/tour-of-doody-lucky-one/ )

The working article with a new alias: www.rcreader.com/movies/tour-of-doody-luckyone/

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12 years 1 month ago #24705 by kenmcd

The article that redirects 403s: www.rcreader.com/index.php?option=com_fl...&view=items&id=22542

The error tells you the problem:
An Error Has Occured: 403 - The item doesn't have any primary category
Your link is missing a category ID (e.g. &cid=55).

Regarding non-working aliases, these are usually issues with the links stored in the SEF component link database.
Clear those links so they are recreated properly, or flush the entire database to be recreated properly.
Easy to confirm, simply disable SEF URL rewriting temporarily to troubleshoot.

Your Joomla v1.5.11 is very out of date and vulnerable to hacking.
Update to the most current version ASAP (currently v1.5.26).
You will be hacked.
Surprised it has not already happened.

FLEXIcontent 1.5.3c is very old and should be updated.
Many issues have been fixed and features added.
Including some issues with URL routing.

You have an issue with your Xajax plug-in JavaScript path.
h##p://www.rcreader.com// plugins/system/blueflame/xajax/xajax_js/xajax_core.js
Note the double // in the path.
May want to fix that as it may cause other issues.


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12 years 1 week ago #25731 by ggppdk
The reason is probably because you added some FLEXIcontent menu that have registered access
level. See below

I found a problem with selecting Joomla menu item

e.g. you have an FC item with public access,
but the code will select a menu item with registered access

e.g. guests will be directed to login
e.g. registered users may get 403 forbidden error

the item is accessible but the choosen menu item is not
have you ever encoutered this?

I have fixed it:
FOR categories/items views
-- in J1.5 we use menu item with access level: lower than item access level
-- in J2.5 we use menu item with access level: (a) public or (b) the access level of the item

For tags view:
Since tags do not have access level we will get a menu item accessible by the access levels of the current user
-- in J1.5 we use menu item with access level: lower than item access level
-- in J2.5 we use menu item with access level: belongs to the current user assigned access levels

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