Flexiaccess author can edit published articles after upgrade

12 years 1 week ago #25830 by gcprnet
In Backend I have authors (Jommla manager group) that are restricted by Flexiaccess 1.0.5. They may only add new articles, they can edit their own articles as long as they are not published and once an article is published it may not be edited by its author anymore. This was working ok till I upgraded to FC 1.5.6 RC5 (r1338). Now these authors are able to change published articles even though flexiaccess is set to dissalow this (Backend & specific --> my authors' group --> general --> Edit published Articles is set to disallow)
Are there any known issues regarding FC 1.5.6 RC 5 and Flexiaccess 1.0.5? Do I have to get a new Version of Flexiaccess?

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12 years 1 week ago #25832 by ggppdk
You said
Backend & specific --> SOME group --> general --> Edit published Articles

mmm, i don't see this option in my installation.

Is it a custom rule?

Which was (about) the previous version that you had and it was working?

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12 years 1 week ago #25852 by gcprnet
"Edit published Articles" shows up as a Joomla Rule in my installation, see screenshot: picpaste.de/edit-published-articles.PNG
In production I run the same configuration just with an older version of Flexicontent (1.5.6 RC2a (r1057))

Is there anything like custom rules? if yes, how do they work?

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12 years 1 week ago #25854 by ggppdk
This is a custom Rule, that is unknown to FLEXIcontent permission checking code.

-- How did this rule appear in your site?

-- Did you copy an existing site and then upgraded?

-- Was it created by some developer?

NOTE: if you have customization of various FLEXIcontent "view" 's template files, then these files will be overwritten when you upgrade.

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12 years 6 days ago #25862 by gcprnet
OK, I think I know what's going on. On the testing machine I installed a new version of flexicontent over a modified version that is about a year old. Back a year ago we had to modify flexicontent to fit our needs and this rule must be a leftover of an unsuccessful try to prevent authors from editing published articles. Somehow the coder found a way to accomplish this through editing the admin-template and the flexicontent core.
I assume its still not possible to prevent authors to prevent changing published articles without prior review by an admin?

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12 years 6 days ago #25867 by ggppdk
Maybe disallow edit of owned articles and then use a joomla menu item to allow users to submit published articles?

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