Import error - CSV file lacks column 'title'

8 years 2 months ago #61012 by KarelKonig
Hello, I have the same problem as at unanswered thread #59447. Sorry, I didn't find any answer at this forum neither at Interet. It must be some stupid mistake on my side but I cant find it. I am trying to use CSV data shown at example with default import settins.. Thanks a lot.
(Sorry for double - I made the post at wrong thread before)

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8 years 2 months ago #61028 by ggppdk

propably your file is not using \n to change lines ? maybe it has: \n\r
in your TEXT editor click to convert New LINEs to "Unix style"

i have tested the file that you provided, and it loads (ignoring not configured CUSTOM fields)

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8 years 2 months ago #61079 by KarelKonig
Thank you, I made a sucessfull import from CSV semicolon separated file and imported my real data as well.
You were probably right, but I solved my problem when I add one mere column at first position. Without any other changes the import was sucessfull.
Thank you for fast response.
Great job. Flexicontent is quite intuitive and powerfull system. Five stars :-).

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