[New Plugin] Simple Flash Mp3 Player flexicontent field

13 years 2 months ago #20585 by krapaic
Tiny update to fix an error on admin backend (autoplay doesn't have to work on backend, i forgot). Updated the first post with v.0.4

Just a question for flexi developer, if i want to make it compatible to Flexi V2 and joomla 1.6 what tricks i need to use (i use global frameworks and all the usual stuff but i need to change something to let i work with V2?)

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13 years 1 month ago #21631 by micker
for me it doesn't work if i load mp3 player in backend all script or out ....

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13 years 1 month ago #21720 by shalb54

before anything else, I want to thank you for this plugin, I really appreciate it.

Though, using this plugin, I came up with some errors:

1. When I try to choose a local file to insert, this seems to work, but in the frontend the mp3 file won`t play. I then copied the generated link (local file)into the field remote file, where it showed up as a link to the whole absolute path (http://www....). This works but I think this wasn`t meant this way.
2. In the file-path (lokal or remote) there is missing one last closing slash before my filename, what also causes the mp3 not to play. But I was able to put the slash in manually. Works this way.
3. When I activate to show up the question mark in the player bar view it won`t show the filename, but only "00:00:00 inconnu"

Though all this does not cause, that I couldn`t use the plugin, I thought you would like to know about these issues.

Thank you again.

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12 years 11 months ago #22562 by kath
Thank you for the plugin! I have a small problem though, likely the same as shalb54 mentioned before: my mp3 plays in BE, but not in FE.

- installed plugin -> ok
- created field of type ~'mp3' -> ok
- connected field to type ~'audio' -> ok
- created audio-item, uploaded mp3 file ->
- - tested with both media and secure; paths are ok
- listened to mp3 file via BE > item > your player -> ok
- pressed playbutton in FE -> silence
- flash var in FE-DOM: 'showlist=1&mp3=components/com_flexicontent/medias/440hz-5sec.mp3&title=Track+cv4Oze&showinfo=0&showvolume=1&volume=75&volumewidth=40&volumeheight=8&autoplay=0&loop=&shuffle=&showloading=autohide&loadingcolor=494845&showplaylistnumbers=&playlistcolor=66645C&playlistalpha=30&showslider=0&sliderwidth=20&sliderheight=6&slidercolor1=8F8E8B&slidercolor2=6C6A63&sliderovercolor=AFC400&bgcolor=FFFFFF&bgcolor1=444444&bgcolor2=000000&textcolor=66645C&currentmp3color=AFC400&buttonwidth=20&buttoncolor=8F8E8B&buttonovercolor=AFC400&scrollbarcolor=585857'

what can i do to fix this?

thanks for your advice and your work!

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12 years 11 months ago #22571 by kenmcd

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12 years 11 months ago #22646 by kenmcd
Got your PM with the staging server info.

The embed code looks correct, but the player is not functioning properly.

In the upper player, it is not calling the MP3 file when play is pressed.
The player is embedded, and the flashvars are there.
So that does not make sense.

I can see a number of JavaScript warnings in the Firefox Error Console.
So I would test by changing the template, and disabling other extensions which load JavaScripts.

In the bottom player it is calling the MP3 file, but the link is incorrect.
For example:
Notice the /musik/ in the MP3 link which breaks the link.

This could be an issue with the plug-in because you are using relative links for the MP3.
A full URL should work-around this.

Generally it is best to develop any Joomla website with SEF set to Off during development.
This prevents all kinds of problems.
Then when it is turned On for testing, the source of the issue is more obvious.

Have you tried any other MP3 players?
Since you are playing single MP3s you could use a number of different players.


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