flexicontent_html::loadFramework how to work with it?

2 years 6 months ago #82574 by stefetrucki1
I would like to rewrite the image plugin pannellum and i do not find where 

if (!isset(static::$js_added[$field->id][__FILE__]) )

is heading to, so i would like to load the files from the page and not externally so i can debug it.

thank you very much

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2 years 6 months ago #82575 by micker

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2 years 6 months ago #82580 by stefetrucki1
thank you so much :), i have been locking for the file for so long

yes I know about github and I am allready working with it.

Shall i fork the whole repository and make my changes to it and if they are good it will be integrated, or what is the best way to proceed?

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2 years 6 months ago #82581 by micker
hello you can fork flexicontent and make pr to propose your code we will review it an merge with pleasure

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