News module like Lof Articlesslideshow

11 years 6 months ago #38231 by brandonking
Add below in Head.
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" " type="text/css">

Once I add this line in head, I see carousel working but there is same issue that I had before.
And I had to disable mootools to work properly.
But disabling mootools will cause many changes e.g item forms..

Maybe, there are same variables used in mootools... not too sure.
Maybe, something wrong with below codes..
<script type="text/javascript"> !function ($) { $(function(){ // carousel demo $('.carousel').carousel({ interval: 4000 }) }) }(window.jQuery) </script>

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11 years 6 months ago #38232 by rottenberg
Sorry I can't change the source page. I have tried to add the line. But it doesn't accept.
It's a gavick template and I don't understand how to chnage the source page.

I think I need to wait until it's integrated inside Flexicontent to use it.

best regards

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11 years 6 months ago #38237 by brandonking
I have found that the mootools-more.js(Fx.Slide element of mootools-more.js.) conflicts with the Twitter Bootstrap Carousel.

Conflict fixed and updated so please download it again. :)

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11 years 6 months ago #38239 by micker
great shareing !!!!

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