(Résolu) Recherche dans un fichier CSV uploadé

6 years 11 months ago - 6 years 11 months ago #67408 by adel2k
D'accord j'ai compris pour le deblique du fichier template j'ai crée une copie de value_Inlineboxe.php en value_Inlineboxe.php mais le fichier est vaste :(
Voila le code
Ce que je souhaite c'est juste affiché le lien original du fichier pdf uploader au lieux du /index.php/logements-public-locatif/download/10/14/25?method=view /index.php/logements-public-locatif/download/10/14/25/fichier.pdf
<?php use Joomla\String\StringHelper; // Important create a -1 "value", before any other normal values, so that it is at 1st position of the array $field->{$prop}[-1] = ''; $field->url = array(); $field->abspath = array(); $field->file_data = array(); $field->hits_total = 0; $n = 0; foreach($values as $file_id) { if (empty($file_id) || !isset($files_data[$file_id])) { if ($is_ingroup) { $field->{$prop}[$n] = ''; $n++; } continue; } $file_data = $files_data[$file_id]; // Check if it exists and get file size $basePath = $file_data->secure ? COM_FLEXICONTENT_FILEPATH : COM_FLEXICONTENT_MEDIAPATH; $abspath = str_replace(DS, '/', JPath::clean($basePath.DS.$file_data->filename)); if ($display_size) { if ($file_data->url) { $_size = (int)$file_data->size ? (int)$file_data->size : '-'; } else if (file_exists($abspath)) { $_size = filesize($abspath); } else $_size = '-'; // Override DB size with the calculated file size $file_data->size = (int) $_size; } else $_size = '-'; // ***************************** // Check user access on the file // ***************************** $authorized = true; $is_public = true; if ( !empty($file_data->access) ) { $authorized = in_array($file_data->access,$aid_arr); $is_public = in_array($public_acclevel,$aid_arr); } // If no access and set not to show then skip the value, if not in field group if ( !$authorized && !$noaccess_display ) { if (!$is_ingroup) continue; // not in field group $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $str . $posttext; // Some extra data for developers: (absolute) file URL and (absolute) file path $field->url[] = ''; $field->abspath[] = ''; $field->file_data[] = $empty_file_data; } // Initialize CSS classes variable $file_classes = !$authorized ? 'fcfile_noauth' : ''; // ***************************** // Prepare displayed information // ***************************** // a. ICON: create it according to filetype $icon = ''; if ($useicon) { $file_data = $this->addIcon( $file_data ); $_tooltip_title = ''; $_tooltip_content = JText::_( 'FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_TYPE', true ) .': '. $file_data->ext; $icon = JHTML::image($file_data->icon, $file_data->ext, 'class="fcicon-mime '.$tooltip_class.'" title="'.JHtml::tooltipText($_tooltip_title, $_tooltip_content, 1, 0).'"'); $icon = '<span class="fcfile_mime" style="float: left; display:inline-block;">'.$icon.'</span>'; } // b. LANGUAGE: either as icon or as inline text or both $lang = ''; $lang_str = ''; $file_data->language = $file_data->language=='' ? '*' : $file_data->language; if ($display_lang && $file_data->language!='*') // ... skip 'ALL' language ... maybe allow later { $lang = ' <span class="fcfile_lang"> <span class="fcfile_lang_label label">' .JTEXT::_('FLEXI_LANGUAGE'). '</span> <span class="fcfile_lang_value value">'; if ( $add_lang_img && @ $langs->{$file_data->language}->imgsrc ) { if (!$add_lang_txt) { $_tooltip_title = JText::_( 'FLEXI_LANGUAGE', true ); $_tooltip_content = $file_data->language=='*' ? JText::_("FLEXI_ALL") : $langs->{$file_data->language}->name; $_attribs = 'class="'.$tooltip_class.' fcicon-lang" title="'.JHtml::tooltipText($_tooltip_title, $_tooltip_content, 0, 0).'" alt="'.$_tooltip_title.'" '; } else { $_attribs = ' class="fcicon-lang"'; } $lang .= "\n".'<img src="'.$langs->{$file_data->language}->imgsrc.'" '.$_attribs.' /> '; } if ( $add_lang_txt ) { $lang .= $file_data->language=='*' ? JText::_("FLEXI_ALL_LANGUAGES") : $langs->{$file_data->language}->name; } $lang .= ' </span> </span>'; } // c. SIZE: in KBs / MBs $sizeinfo = ''; if ($display_size) { $sizeinfo = '<span class="fcfile_size">'; $sizeinfo .= '<span class="fcfile_size_label label">' .JTEXT::_('FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_SIZE'). '</span> '; if ( !is_numeric($_size) ) $sizeinfo .= '<span class="fcfile_size_value value">'.$_size.'</span>'; else if ($display_size==1) $sizeinfo .= '<span class="fcfile_size_value value">'.number_format($_size / 1024, 0).'&nbsp;'.JTEXT::_('FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_KBS').'</span>'; else if ($display_size==2) $sizeinfo .= '<span class="fcfile_size_value value">'.number_format($_size / 1048576, 2).'&nbsp;'.JTEXT::_('FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_MBS').'</span>'; else $sizeinfo .= '<span class="fcfile_size_value value">'.number_format($_size / 1073741824, 2).'&nbsp;'.JTEXT::_('FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_GBS').'</span>'; $sizeinfo .= '</span>'; } // d. HITS: either as icon or as inline text or both $hits = ''; if ($display_hits) { $hits = '<span class="fcfile_hits">'; if ( $add_hits_img && @ $hits_icon ) { $hits .= sprintf($hits_icon, $file_data->hits); } if ( $add_hits_txt ) { $hits .= ' <span class="fcfile_hits_label label">' .JTEXT::_('FLEXI_FIELD_FILE_HITS'). '</span> <span class="fcfile_hits_value value">'.$file_data->hits.'</span> '; } $hits .= '</span>'; } $field->hits_total += $file_data->hits; // e. FILENAME / TITLE: decide whether to show it (if we do not use button, then displaying of filename is forced) $_filetitle = $file_data->altname ? $file_data->altname : $file_data->filename; if ($lowercase_filename) $_filetitle = StringHelper::strtolower( $_filetitle ); $filename_original = $file_data->filename_original ? $file_data->filename_original : $file_data->filename; $$filename_original = str_replace( array("'", "\""), array("\\'", ""), $filename_original ); $filename_original = htmlspecialchars($filename_original, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $name_str = $display_filename==2 ? $filename_original : $_filetitle; $name_classes = $file_classes.($file_classes ? ' ' : '').'fcfile_title'; $name_html = '<h3 class="'.$name_classes.'">'. $name_str . '</h3>'; // f. DESCRIPTION: either as tooltip or as inline text $descr_tip = $descr_inline = $descr_icon = ''; if (!empty($file_data->description)) { if ( !$authorized ) { if ($noaccess_display != 2 ) { $name_escaped = flexicontent_html::escapeJsText($name_str, 's'); $descr_tip = JHtml::tooltipText($name_str, $file_data->description, 0, 1); $descr_icon = '<img src="components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/comments.png" class="hasTooltip" alt="'.$name_escaped.'" title="'. $descr_tip .'"/>'; $descr_inline = ''; } } else if ($display_descr==1 || $prop=='namelist') { // As tooltip $name_escaped = flexicontent_html::escapeJsText($name_str, 's'); $descr_tip = JHtml::tooltipText($name_str, $file_data->description, 0, 1); $descr_icon = '<img src="components/com_flexicontent/assets/images/comments.png" class="hasTooltip" alt="'.$name_escaped.'" title="'. $descr_tip .'"/>'; $descr_inline = ''; } else if ($display_descr==2) { // As inline text $descr_inline = ' <div class="fcfile_descr_inline alert alert-info">'. nl2br($file_data->description) . '</div>'; } if ($descr_icon) $descr_icon = ' <span class="fcfile_descr_tip"> <span class="fcfile_descr_tip_label label"> ' .JTEXT::_('FLEXI_DESCRIPTION'). ' </span> '. $descr_icon . ' </span> '; } // ***************************** // Create field's displayed html // ***************************** $str = ''; // [1]: either create the download link -or- use no authorized link ... if ( !$authorized ) { $dl_link = $noaccess_url; if ($noaccess_msg) { $str = '<span class="fcfile_noauth_msg alert fc-iblock">' .$noaccess_msg. '</span> '; } } else { $dl_link = JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent&id='. $file_id .'&cid='.$item->id.'&fid='.$field->id.'&task=download' ); } // SOME behavior FLAGS $not_downloadable = !$dl_link || $prop=='namelist'; $filename_shown = (!$authorized || $show_filename); $filename_shown_as_link = $filename_shown && $link_filename && !$usebutton; // [2]: Add information properties: filename, and icons with optional inline text $info_arr = array(); if ( ($filename_shown && !$filename_shown_as_link) || $not_downloadable ) { // Filename will be shown if not l $info_arr[] = $icon .' '. $name_html; } if ($lang) $info_arr[] = $lang; if ($sizeinfo) $info_arr[] = $sizeinfo; if ($hits) $info_arr[] = $hits; if ($descr_icon) $info_arr[] = $descr_icon; $str .= implode($infoseptxt, $info_arr); // [3]: Add the file description (if displayed inline) if ($descr_inline) $str .= '<div class="fcclear"></div>'.$descr_inline; // [4]: Display the buttons: DOWNLOAD, SHARE, ADD TO CART $actions_arr = array(); // *********************** // CASE 1: no download ... // *********************** // EITHER (a) Current user NOT authorized to download file AND no access URL is not configured // OR (b) creating a file list with no download links, (the 'prop' display variable is 'namelist') if ( $not_downloadable ) { // nothing to do here, the file name/title will be shown above } // ***************************************************************************************** // CASE 2: Display download button passing file variables via a mini form // (NOTE: the form action can be a no access url if user is not authorized to download file) // ***************************************************************************************** else if ($usebutton) { $file_classes .= ($file_classes ? ' ' : '').(FLEXI_J16GE ? 'btn' : 'fc_button fcsimple'); // Add an extra css class (button display) // DOWNLOAD: single file instant download if ($allowdownloads) { // NO ACCESS: add file info via form field elements, in case the URL target needs to use them $file_data_fields = ""; if ( !$authorized && $noaccess_addvars) { $file_data_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="fc_field_id" value="'.$field->id.'"/>'."\n". '<input type="hidden" name="fc_item_id" value="'.$item->id.'"/>'."\n". '<input type="hidden" name="fc_file_id" value="'.$file_id.'"/>'."\n"; } // The download button in a mini form ... $actions_arr[] = '' .'<form id="form-download-'.$field->id.'-'.($n+1).'" method="post" action="'.$dl_link.'" style="display:inline-block;" >' .$file_data_fields .'<input type="submit" name="download-'.$field->id.'[]" class="'.$file_classes.' btn-success fcfile_downloadFile" title="'.$downloadsinfo.'" value="'.$downloadstext.'"/>' .'</form>'."\n"; } if ($authorized && $allowview && !$file_data->url) { $actions_arr[] = ' <a href="'.$dl_link.(strpos($dl_link,'?')!==false ? '&amp;' : '?').'method=view" ' .($viewinside==2 ? 'target="_blank"' : '') .' class="'.($viewinside==0 ? 'fancybox ' : '').$file_classes.' btn-info fcfile_viewFile" '.($viewinside==0 ? 'data-fancybox-type="iframe" ' : '') .($viewinside==1 ? ' onclick="var url = jQuery(this).attr(\'href\'); fc_showDialog(url, \'fc_modal_popup_container\', 0, 0, 0, 0, {title:\''. flexicontent_html::escapeJsText($_filetitle,'s') .'\'}); return false;" ' : '').' title="'.$viewinfo.'" style="line-height:1.3em;" > '. $viewtext.' </a>'; $fancybox_needed = 1; } // ADD TO CART: the link will add file to download list (tree) (handled via a downloads manager module) if ($authorized && $allowaddtocart && !$file_data->url) { // CSS class to anchor downloads list adding function $addtocart_classes = $file_classes. ($file_classes ? ' ' : '') .'fcfile_addFile'; $attribs = ' class="'. $addtocart_classes .'"'; $attribs .= ' title="'. $addtocartinfo .'"'; $attribs .= ' data-filename="'. flexicontent_html::escapeJsText($_filetitle,'s') .'"'; $attribs .= ' data-fieldid="'. $field->id .'"'; $attribs .= ' data-contentid="'. $item->id .'"'; $attribs .= ' data-fileid="'. $file_data->id .'"'; $actions_arr[] = '<input type="button" '. $attribs .' value="'.$addtocarttext.'" />'; } // SHARE FILE VIA EMAIL: open a popup or inline email form ... if ($is_public && $allowshare && !$com_mailto_found) { // skip share popup form button if com_mailto is missing $actions_arr[] = ' com_mailto component not found, please disable <b>download link sharing parameter</b> in this file field'; } else if ($is_public && $allowshare) { $send_onclick = 'window.open(\'%s\',\'win2\',\''.$status.'\'); return false;'; $send_form_url = 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent&tmpl=component' .'&task=call_extfunc&exttype=plugins&extfolder=flexicontent_fields&extname=file&extfunc=share_file_form' .'&file_id='.$file_id.'&content_id='.$item->id.'&field_id='.$field->id; $actions_arr[] = '<input type="button" class="'.$file_classes.' fcfile_shareFile" onclick="' .sprintf($send_onclick, JRoute::_($send_form_url)).'" title="'.$shareinfo.'" value="'.$sharetext.'" />'; } } // ******************************************************************************************* // CASE 3: display a download link (with file title or filename) passing variables via the URL // (NOTE: the target link can be a no access url if user is not authorized to download file) // ******************************************************************************************* else { // DOWNLOAD: single file instant download if ($allowdownloads) { // NO ACCESS: add file info via URL variables, in case the URL target needs to use them if ( !$authorized && $noaccess_addvars) { $dl_link .= '&fc_field_id="'.$field->id. '&fc_item_id="'.$item->id. '&fc_file_id="'.$file_id; } // The download link, if filename/title not shown, then display a 'download' prompt text $actions_arr[] = ($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $icon.' ' : '') .'<a href="' . $dl_link . '" class="'.$file_classes.' fcfile_downloadFile" title="'.$downloadsinfo.'" >' .($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $name_str : $downloadstext) .'</a>'; } if ($authorized && $allowview && !$file_data->url) { $actions_arr[] = ' <a href="'.$dl_link.(strpos($dl_link,'?')!==false ? '&amp;' : '?').'method=view" class="fancybox '.$file_classes.' fcfile_viewFile" data-fancybox-type="iframe" title="'.$viewinfo.'" > '.$viewtext.' </a>'; $fancybox_needed = 1; } // ADD TO CART: the link will add file to download list (tree) (handled via a downloads manager module) if ($authorized && $allowaddtocart && !$file_data->url) { // CSS class to anchor downloads list adding function $addtocart_classes = $file_classes. ($file_classes ? ' ' : '') .'fcfile_addFile'; $attribs = ' class="'. $addtocart_classes .'"'; $attribs .= ' title="'. $addtocartinfo .'"'; $attribs .= ' filename="'. flexicontent_html::escapeJsText($_filetitle,'s') .'"'; $attribs .= ' fieldid="'. $field->id .'"'; $attribs .= ' contentid="'. $item->id .'"'; $attribs .= ' fileid="'. $file_data->id .'"'; $actions_arr[] = '<a href="javascript:;" '. $attribs .' >' .$addtocarttext .'</a>'; } // SHARE FILE VIA EMAIL: open a popup or inline email form ... if ($is_public && $allowshare && !$com_mailto_found) { // skip share popup form button if com_mailto is missing $str .= ' com_mailto component not found, please disable <b>download link sharing parameter</b> in this file field'; } else if ($is_public && $allowshare) { $send_onclick = 'window.open(\'%s\',\'win2\',\''.$status.'\'); return false;'; $send_form_url = 'index.php?option=com_flexicontent&tmpl=component' .'&task=call_extfunc&exttype=plugins&extfolder=flexicontent_fields&extname=file&extfunc=share_file_form' .'&file_id='.$file_id.'&content_id='.$item->id.'&field_id='.$field->id; $actions_arr[] = '<a href="javascript:;" class="fcfile_shareFile" onclick="'.sprintf($send_onclick, JRoute::_($send_form_url)).'" title="'.$shareinfo.'">' .$sharetext .'</a>'; } } //Display the buttons "DOWNLOAD, SHARE, ADD TO CART" before or after the filename if ($buttonsposition) { $str .= (count($actions_arr) ? $infoseptxt : "") .'<div class="fcfile_actions">' . implode($actionseptxt, $actions_arr) .'</div>'; } else { $str = (count($actions_arr) ? $infoseptxt : "") .'<div class="fcfile_actions">' . implode($actionseptxt, $actions_arr) .'</div>'.$str; } // Values Prefix and Suffix Texts $field->{$prop}[] = $pretext . $str . $posttext; // Some extra data for developers: (absolute) file URL and (absolute) file path $field->url[] = $dl_link; $field->abspath[] = $abspath; $field->file_data[] = $file_data; // Add microdata to every value if field -- is -- in a field group if ($is_ingroup && $itemprop) $field->{$prop}[$n] = '<div style="display:inline" itemprop="'.$itemprop.'" >' .$field->{$prop}[$n]. '</div>'; $n++; if (!$multiple) break; // multiple values disabled, break out of the loop, not adding further values even if the exist } // ***************** // Create total INFO // ***************** $file_totals = ''; // Total number of files if ($display_total_count) { $file_totals .= ' <div class="fcfile_total_count"> <span class="fcfile_total_count_label">'. $total_count_label .' </span> <span class="fcfile_total_count_value badge">'. count($values) .'</span> </div> '; } // Total download hits (of all files) if ($display_total_hits && $field->hits_total) { $file_totals .=' <div class="fcfile_total_hits"> <span class="fcfile_total_hits_label">'. $total_hits_label .' </span> <span class="fcfile_total_hits_value badge">'. $field->hits_total .'</span> </div> '; } // Add -1 position (display at top of field or at top of field, or at top/bottom of field group) if ($file_totals) { $field->{$prop}[-1] = ' <div class="alert alert-success fcfile_total"> '.$file_totals.' </div> '; }
Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by adel2k.

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6 years 11 months ago #67409 by micker
c'est pas super sympa de me remettre tout le code comme cela et si vite (on a pas l'impression que vous avez beaucoup chercher lol ) .... pensez que c'est un support gratuit ... fait par des bénévoles et qu'il est difficile de produire du code personnalisé à la demande et gratuitement
(je ne suis pas dev ... juste bidouilleur)
chercher le <a href qui sert à générer le lien, puis vous avez une annotation
// Some extra data for developers: (absolute) file URL and (absolute) file path
$field->url[] = $dl_link;
$field->abspath[] = $abspath;
$field->file_data[] = $file_data;
A vous remplacer !

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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6 years 11 months ago #67410 by adel2k
DSL pour le code source, mais si y'avais un support payent je m’abonnerais avec plaisir lol

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6 years 11 months ago #67411 by micker
pas de soucis je le dis trés amicalement biensur !

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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6 years 11 months ago #67412 by adel2k
Probléme réglé, merci l'ami, j'ai changer cette partie
$actions_arr[] = ($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $icon.' ' : '') .'<a href="' . $dl_link . '" class="'.$file_classes.' fcfile_downloadFile" title="'.$downloadsinfo.'" >' .($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $name_str : $downloadstext) .'</a>';

par ça :
$actions_arr[] = ($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $icon.' ' : '') .'<a href="/gfn/components/com_flexicontent/medias/' . $name_str . '" class="'.$file_classes.' fcfile_downloadFile" title="'.$downloadsinfo.'" target="_blank" >' .($filename_shown && $link_filename ? $name_str : $downloadstext) .'</a>';

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6 years 11 months ago #67413 by micker
parfait !!

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
Like the our support? (for a bug-free FC, despite being huge extension) Like the features? Like the ongoing development and future commitment to FLEXIcontent?
-- Add your voice to the FLEXIcontent JED listing reviews. Thanks![/size]

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