'Created By' to link to user?

14 years 3 months ago #4501 by ondi
Hi There,
First of all, great component, can't wait until front-end user input!

However, I have a problem at the moment, in the table column 'Created By' I have the name administrator. Is it possible to link this 'Administrator' to their user profile?


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14 years 3 months ago #4507 by Olinad
What kind of component do you use for profiles?

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14 years 3 months ago #4509 by ondi
Replied by ondi on topic 'Created By' to link to user?
At the moment, the standard Joomla component. However, I can change this if required.

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14 years 3 months ago #4512 by Olinad
What would be the use of linking to Joomla's profile? O.O

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14 years 3 months ago #4513 by ondi
Replied by ondi on topic 'Created By' to link to user?
I need the user to be able to contact the poster of the article.

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14 years 3 months ago #4541 by ondi
Replied by ondi on topic 'Created By' to link to user?
Any help with this people?

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