UPDATE2:JComments Field Plugin Released (v0.3)

15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #1823 by devil
Hi Manu and Community,

i have here a little x-mas gift for you:

A new Field Plugin for FlexiContent. With it you can place Comments from Jcomments anywhere on your FlexiContent-Template.

The normal way in FlexiContent is that the comments will display under the description Field.

But there is one "Problem" when u have an all-ready Site with many content:

You must assign to every Category this field! I have not tested it. Pls try it out...

Okay but here a little instruction to use it:

1. Install the Plugin
2. Go to Plugins -> FlexiContent_fields and publish jcomments Field.
3. Create an new field inside FlexiContent and select as fieldtype: jcomments.
4. The field have no Option atm
5. Assing it to one or more types
6. Hit Save
7. Now go to FlexiContent Configuration (via Dashboard) and select Enable comments and change it to No.
8. Go to Templates, select your Template and drag&drop the jcomments field to an position of your choice
9. Hope i forgot nothing :)

An JomComment Field Plugin will come after JComment is complete.

An FlexiContent Field to put an normal Joomla Modul inside the FlexiContent Template will come in Januar.

Any wishes for the jcomments field plugin? Need Help? Ask me here in this Posting!

Happy X-mas to all!
best reagrds,

Joomla-Aktuell - www.joomla-aktuell.de
Last edit: 15 years 1 month ago by devil.

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15 years 1 month ago #1827 by neubjr

I just tested out your jcomment field, it works great.


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15 years 1 month ago #1908 by orchid1
installed it
works great
thanks for the plugin

I had a question
do you know where would be a great place to start if I wanted to create my own plug in. I realize FLEXIcontent is still in BETA but I cant seem to land on the right documentation
any response is helpful

Happy new Year

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster - USMC

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15 years 1 month ago #1910 by bsky92
Thanks a lot :) I'll give it a try later

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15 years 1 month ago #1958 by orchid1
Having some trouble with this plug-in looks like Jcomments can't be "Disabled". I installed it and made sure that I did not select any categories in the Jcomments settings (from the selection box) just to to make sure it wasn't the plug-in and somehow even though Jcomments was "Disabled" Jcomments was still visible on every article. Would love to get this working right.
If you could help I would appreciate it

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” William A. Foster - USMC

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15 years 1 month ago #1977 by devil

yes at this time it is not possible to turn it of for special items/categorys.

I´m working on it.

Version 0.1/0.2 was a first version over to see whether someone this Plugin will use ;)

A little "workaround" :

Copy the type of the category and delete the Jcomments field for this type. assign the new type to the category where you would not like to let comments indicate.

Joomla-Aktuell - www.joomla-aktuell.de

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