Address and Phone Numbers custom fields

11 years 6 months ago #38445 by rubenreyes
Hello guys

I just wanted to let you know about a couple custom field plugins we developed for our projects that we want to make available to the public. Feel free to include in your official Flexicontent fields.

Address - with this field you can add an address information to an item, including geo-location functionality, and display it nicely on the frontend including the option for a Google map. It comes with several options for controlling how the map, address, marker are displayed.

Phone Numbers - with this field you can add one or more phone numbers to an item. For each number you can specify a label (e.g. office, fax, toll-free), country code, area code, switch and user number. The field has several options to control its displaying.

You can find both plugins here:

We plan on adding more fields in the future once they are clean enough for public release.

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11 years 6 months ago #38448 by micker
did you have some screenshot ?

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11 years 6 months ago #38456 by ggppdk

thanks for contribution,

i think it is best:
1. to add these to our downloads section and
2. link to your github link for newest version in case the version hosted in the site is not the newest

-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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11 years 6 months ago #38466 by rubenreyes
Here are some screenshots:


Field configuration

Backend form

Frontend display

Phone Numbers

Field configuration

Backend form

Fronend display

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11 years 6 months ago #38477 by micker
great !!!!
love it ;)

it possible to display all point of category view in single maps ?

ps i will do fr translation

FLEXIcontent is Free but involves a very big effort on our part.
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11 years 6 months ago #38481 by brandonking
Thanks for contribution!!
I love you :D

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