Create and link custom field 'Author' to CB user profile

6 years 8 months ago #73609 by ggppdk

it is working now
i edit the field

1. viewing access to public instead of "super user"

2. viewing "value" instead of "label"
 thus you get correct the  ID in the URL ...

3. To make it simpler / automatic to save the author when ,
in the
Editing TAB 
then Form field TAB

set to hide the prompt "Please select"
thus the value (current author) is auto selected and you can just click save

Anyway the above will soon be redundant , will add link ability to our "Profile field" ...

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6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #73610 by ggppdk

a bad thing about the solution in the FAQ is that
- you need to create field when building of your website , because now you have to re-edit and re-save (once) all items ...

Also rare issue
- if you use a DB tool to massively change author ID of many item then you will need to resave too ... or manually update the field our field values table

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Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by ggppdk.

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6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #73611 by alog
Thanks for getting back to me. I tried the above and I still have the same issue to solve : every other fields values are still selectable (in blue) and CB author’s profile opens when i click on it. Only « Author profile » field should point to CB profile.  is there a mistake in one of the values?

« set to hide the prompt "Please select" 
thus the value (current author) is auto selected and you can just click save »thanks for the tip but how to display login id (or author’s alias) instead of author’s name?

and  Is it possible to use language strings for value suffix?   
Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by alog.

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6 years 8 months ago #73614 by ggppdk

when you see such behavour that a link is extending too long ... it usually means it was not closed ...

In our FAQ article was bad in that ... the closing HTML TAG:
is missing

I have added to our FAQ article and i have updated / tested in your website
i have changed again the author field again to public,
you can recheck

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6 years 8 months ago - 6 years 8 months ago #73620 by alog
many thanks it works great !  
but yes i have to re-save all items :(
I'm revisiting the translation issue for value suffix on frontend, i'd like to resolve it but language strings don't seem to work ? 
Last edit: 6 years 8 months ago by alog.

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6 years 8 months ago #73637 by micker
did you actived language string option in display tab ?

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