[New Plugin] Google map plugin - testers needed

13 years 6 months ago #17704 by yopyop001

I made a plugin to display a google map in a flexicontent item.

For now, there is no documentation, but i need some people to dome some tests with it.

(Short) Instructions
1. Download it here : www.sitefaitbienfait.fr/en/downloads/ext...ur-flexicontent.html
2. Install it by the joomla installer
3. Publish it ( by the plugin manager or the flexicontent control panel)
4. Create a new field with this plugin and put the parameters you want
5. Drag and drop it in a position of your template.
6. In the submission form, you will have a map with a marker, you can choose the position of the marker by 3 ways : drag the marker on the map, choose lat and long for the location, or geocode a postal address
7. In the item view, you will have a map with the marker.

This first version is for testing and have some return for feature request, or bug.

There will be a module to load all the markers on a same map, or a category template to load all the markers of a category, or both...

I hope my englis is understandable.


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13 years 6 months ago #17709 by micker
Yes super
dès que 5minutes entre 2 couchrs je teste

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13 years 6 months ago #17710 by loicberder
waaaou !
i was stuck with "orchid googlemap plugin" (not easy for front end user, no support responses...) and now i feel that someone (you) have the "so many time dreamed plugin" for using googlemap and flexicontent

I have made some tests and decide to use it in live site

i am really happy and impress :
- parameters for submission and others for wiewing
- 3 ways to position the marker
- clean rendering for submissing and easy to use for "non professional"
- no googlemap API key !

i can't wait for the module "all the markers on a same map", template category...

i will make some features request

just some missing translation (i'll make a list) no bug found for the moment

thanks a lot

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13 years 6 months ago #17716 by xmac
Great, it functions very fine,
the only I miss is the button to get the rout, when I enabled routing (I have to press enter to function).

Sorry for my english
Thanks for this very good extension

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13 years 6 months ago #17717 by yopyop001
Yes, i forgot the button! and there are some missing translations to (FROM, TO)

I'll update it soon, i'm just waiting for another issues and post it wednesday (10th august) before holidays...


@micker :

Entre 2 couches

..., j'avais zappé une étape, Félicitations!

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13 years 6 months ago #17732 by ggppdk
Thank you a lot for your contribution.

I will ask Emmanuel to make special page with links to sites like yours, that offer free software for FC


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