[New Plugin] Google map plugin - testers needed

13 years 6 days ago #22429 by yopyop001

No lot of time for now to enhance this plugin, but you can give a try with this file :
flexigmap.googlecode.com/files/f ... s_v0.4.zip

i will need it soon for a website with Jommla 2.5; so i will try to make an update soon, but i prefer not give a date.

Hope it works.


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13 years 4 days ago #22469 by loicberder
nice to ear that you have this project

seems it's working except the Marker still missing

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12 years 11 months ago #22668 by Macjoomla

yopyop001 wrote: i will need it soon for a website with Jommla 2.5; so i will try to make an update soon, but i prefer not give a date.

Thank you for this cool plugin. It seems to work with Joomla 2.5 and i got a map in my template. But i cant edit my new added map field. On trying so, i get a blank white page, no chance to reedit for finetuning.

Thanks an best wishes, Macjoomla 8-)

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12 years 10 months ago #23559 by horsey
Hello, great plug-in!
It works well for me on item pages.

Your map-code is inserted for every instance in a flexi-module of a page.

On every item page, I run a flexi-module of other items in the category, below the content. For every item in the module, your code is inserted once and the main item map never shows the right marker postion.

How can I prevent it from being rendered in the modules?

If you want access to the site please pm me, its work in progress.

Theres also an issue with sh404SEF, it ads the categories to the path of custom markers, so it would be better to just pick the base url.

Would also be cool to have an option to turn off the scroll wheel, because if you land in the map while scrolling the page, you zoom into the map all the time, which I found annoying and disabled scrolling.


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12 years 10 months ago #23670 by horsey
How about a category view?
Wouldn't the unwanted insertion of un-instantiated code I experience with the module occur there as well?

I can't tell, I'm building category views with modules.

I have a pages with modules alone, where the page template does not even contain the map field, but the plugin inserts the gmap script for every item in the modules.

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12 years 10 months ago #23672 by ggppdk
Try this:
There is a way to detect if fields are created by module and set "view" to category view ...

INSIDE function :

function onDisplayFieldValue(&$field, $item, $values=null, $prop='display')

$view = JRequest::getVar('view', null);
and replace with
if (JRequest::getVar("flexi_callview")) { $view = JRequest::getVar("flexi_callview"); } else { $view = JRequest::getVar('view', null); }

maybe it will help


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