[New Plugin] Google map plugin - testers needed

12 years 5 months ago #27997 by horsey
So I added the GMap field to the list of fields, but I don't echo it in the module. It changes nothing. It's still "itemsitemsitemsitems"

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12 years 5 months ago #27998 by ggppdk
I have tested the code and it works,

i will install and test with this field plugin too

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12 years 5 months ago #28024 by ggppdk
mmm, the field is not displayed in the item form , i will try to find more time to test this, i am to busy fixing bugs and other personal work

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12 years 5 months ago #28084 by horsey
Hello, did you change anything on the site?
I just published a new item and now it suddenly has it as


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12 years 5 months ago #28088 by ggppdk
no, i have not,

at least, i don't remember now changing anything

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8 years 11 months ago #60289 by posticri

I'm looking for a nice and complete plugin for Flexicontent for a while ... And I've found this topic !
It seems to fill exactely what missed me.

Unfortunately, the link www.sitefaitbienfait.fr/en/downloads/ext...ur-flexicontent.html is not available anymore. The website is under "renovation" for some weeks.

1- Anyone knows how could I access to the plugin ?

I've tested the new flexicontent field (FC V3.0.13), but I have not found how to :
a- "drag and drop" marker in frontend submisson
b- display a map of the selected item (for ex. category or search selection).

2- Else, anyone coulds help me to use last addressint FC field ?

Thank's for your help.

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