[Plugins] Link content inside Flexicontent

15 years 4 weeks ago - 13 years 5 months ago #2757 by yopyop001

Here are two plugins to link content inside Flexicontent :

Select Flexi Item - Version 0.4 (01/09/2011)
www.sitefaitbienfait.fr/en/jooml ... -item.html

Update with new options

Select Flexi Item - Reverse - Version 0.3 (06/08/2010)
www.sitefaitbienfait.fr/en/jooml ... verse.html

Let’s have examples – with pictures – to explain how it works
What we want to do is link singers to their songs.

We have three types of content in Flexicontent :
    • Article ( the default one )
    • Singer
    • Song

Two categories
    • Singers
    • Songs

Four templates :
    • Default
    • Blog
    • Singer
    • Song

1 - Let’s install our two plugins, and then we activate them in the Flexicontent control panel

2 – Now we create a field, with the field type Flexicontent – Select Flexicontent items, and we assign the field to the song type – picture below

Here are the parameters of the new field

While creating a new Song item, and getting to the Singer newly created field, this is what we will have: a select box with the Singers we already have created

In frontend, after affecting the field to the right position for our template, this is how it will look :

This was how to use the first plugin, the select_flexiitem plugin

Now, for each artist, we want to get the songs that belong to them

We create a new Field, with the type Select Flexiitems – Reverse and we assign it to the Artist type

In Advanced parameters, we assign it to the field we want to reverse – here singer_of_song

While completing our item, the field will then be automatically completed, as the informations are being read from the above field/plugin. It will look this way :

And frontend will finally look this way

I hope these examples will help you to implement and use these plugins.
Don’t hesitate to give me feedback and ask questions.

And Thanks to bsky92 for the english translation.
Last edit: 13 years 5 months ago by yopyop001. Reason: Plugin update

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15 years 4 weeks ago #2760 by mark_bk
Powerful additions - very relational database like.
Thanks for sharing.

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15 years 4 weeks ago #2761 by orchid1
premier pardon mon français
Je continue à apprendre
Je n'avais pas de problèmes pour le installation

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15 years 3 weeks ago #2831 by kenmcd
Is it possible to select multiple Singers?
In the Singers select box can you choose more than one singer?

What I am getting at is this only a one-to-many relationship or is a many-to-many relationship also possible?

This example shows one singer related to many songs.
What if there are multiple singers for a particular song?
Is that possible with these plugins?

Thanks for the great plugins.


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15 years 3 weeks ago #2833 by yopyop001

Yes it's possible, the select_flexiitem plugin allow to select multiple items in the select box (it's a derivative work of the 'select multiple' plugin).

Hope it will be useful.


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15 years 3 weeks ago #2840 by kenmcd
Thanks for the info.
Now thinking about more ways to use it.

If anyone else has other examples of how they have used these plugins, please post a quick note and a link if possible.

Have started some documentation (mostly for myself right now).

[attachment=0:1aam2naw]<!-- ia0 -->Example-link-two-content-types-Songs-andSingers.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1aam2naw]


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