[Plugins] Link content inside Flexicontent

15 years 1 week ago #3283 by ComposerRyan
WOW!!! This plugin is simply amazing and was EXACTLY what I was looking for. This should actually be a permanent plugin.

There was one thing I noticed:

When accessing my article from my category it generated like this (with Joomla SEF URLs enabled):

www.mysite.com/video-games/item/ ... cific-rift

But when I click on it through the plg_flexicontent_fields_selectflexiitem_v02.zip plugin it looks like this:


I guess it's no big deal...but it leaves off the "-motorstorm-pacific-rift" part. Is there anyway that could be fixed?

Thanks a lot again for this AMAZING plugin that extends the functionality of Flexiconent even further!

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15 years 1 week ago #3285 by ComposerRyan
I did notice another problem when using plg_flexicontent_fields_selectflexiitem_reverse_v02.zip

1) How can I order them by date?

2) Also, can I include the intro text and assign # of characters before it says "read_more"

3) And how can I display the date of the article as well? This part is no big deal, but would be an added bonus!

The reason I request this is because you can display news now INSIDE of an article, which is exactly what I need! I was disappointed to see that it sorted by name only and not date...plus, there was no intro text. :(

If you could some way add these elements to it, that would be amazing. Thank you again for this plugin.

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15 years 1 week ago #3291 by conquerlol

First of all thank you so much for this plugin, now i can link my articles around. :mrgreen:

I have a suggestion/request...can you make it so that we can show one of the field from the selected article instead of the title? I made an image field in flexi for the type so I wanted to show that instead of the title link to it. Like you want to show the face of the singer so people can easily see instead of the title. How about multiple fields, like the image and then title below it.
If someone point me to the right direction as to how to do that, it would be helpful too. :D

Also, if you use the plugin on the same type, it won't work? Like you can't link your singers to your singers.

The plugin is great, thanks again.

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15 years 1 week ago #3296 by yopyop001

First, thanks for your feedbacks.

I think i will wait for the Flexicontent stable release to update the plugin. But i keep your request in my mind.


1) How can I order them by date?

In the selelect_flexiitems_reverse parameters, you can choose in what order the items are displayed. May be you have to clean the cache after you modify this parameter. But it's working for me.

2) Also, can I include the intro text and assign # of characters before it says "read_more"

It'll be great to can choose in the plugin parameters all the fields we want to display. But i'm waiting for the next Flexicontent version to see if there is a simple way to do that.

For now, i think you can use the Include content Item plugin from kksou ( www.kksou.com/php-gtk2/Joomla/Include-Co...em-plugin.php#fadein ) to display introtext and readmore Link.
In the selelect_flexiitems_reverse parameters, you have to choose : 'Trigger content plugins' : yes and select 'Include-Content-Item', Display : 'Value', Add a link : 'No'; Prefix : {include_content_item Suffix: "params_of_include_content_item" }
I didn't test this solution, but it is an idea

3) And how can I display the date of the article as well? This part is no big deal, but would be an added bonus!

Same answer that 2). I will have a look at this

For your suggestions, i'm agree with you : as for questions of ComposerRyan, it will be great to choose the fields we want to display, but i had a look at this, and i didn't find a good method.
I think we can load fields directly in the template. But just wait for the next Flexicontent release to see if there is a generic way to do that.

if you use the plugin on the same type, it won't work?

It works for same type items. (you can just link article together, if you want)

I hope my english is understandable,

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15 years 1 week ago #3301 by ComposerRyan
yopyop001, thank you for the reply.

I don't think that plugin that displays content will be of much use simply because I want to display more than one content item from a category...like a category blog layout.

Also, when will we see the next version of Flexicontent and will I be able to upgrade my BETA5 version that I currently have? I really hope so. :)

Thanks again, and yes, your English was very good.

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15 years 6 days ago #3528 by ComposerRyan
So far, the plugin is working great but it does have a problem with its URLS...please read:

This applies to the /plugins/flexicontent_fields/selectflexiitem_reverse.php file and the selectflexiitem.php file

The URLS do not display the article's alias in the URL...it grabs the URL like this somehow:

$link="<a href=\"".JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($result->value))."\" >";

Currently, it only displays the article number and leaves off the article's alias like this:


when I need it to look like this (notice the article's alias is on the end)


...how would I put its alias on the end of it? I am very, very new to this coding stuff and would appreciate the help! :)

By the way: I used this new route.php file that Emmanuel provided here:
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... =viewtopic

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