[Plugins] Link content inside Flexicontent

13 years 5 months ago #18604 by micker
Great update thanks

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13 years 5 months ago #18610 by ggppdk
You can get the new related items field from here:
It allows you to link to multiple items at once, as language filter and category browsing, i will add some stuff to it later like reorder after initial selection:
www.flexicontent.org/forum/index ... pic#p18246
[attachment=0:p1dshimr]<!-- ia0 -->relateditems.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:p1dshimr]

This field has a lot room for improvements , did not have time to do all things i had in mind, but will in next version of it, note this is included in v1.5.6


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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13 years 5 months ago #18611 by ggppdk
To do what you ask it is possible but it would require parsing ALL related items field value. The same applies to all similar fields plugin. Not difficult to do but it can be slow for big sites, not for item but category view will suffer ...


-- Flexicontent is Free but involves a big effort on our part.
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13 years 5 months ago #18641 by vlester

yopyop001 wrote: Anyway, i have made an update of the plugin with some new options. (categories filter, ...).

You can find it here :

Hi Yopyop001,

I installed your plugin and I noticed two bugs with the filters.
1/ First bug is when there are several select-flexi-item fields in the form. For example, let's say we have the fields A, B and C. When I write something in the input box of the filter A, it doesn't affect the field A but the last one in the form : the field C.

2/ Another problem with the filter is that it's not working with a multiple selection. If I select a first item and then a second one with the filter, my first selection will be removed.

I guess it might be a Javascript problem but unfortunately I can't try to correct it because I don't speak Javascript...

Thanks anyway for this great plugin

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13 years 5 months ago #18665 by Rehne

both solutions are already very good
the one from ggppdk has a successful choice of the item(s) ... as you can see in the picture
the solution from yopyop001 has many options like categories filter... also the plugIn 'Select Flexi Item - Reverse' is a great additional feature

i think ...
take over (implement) the choice of the item(s) from the ggppdk solution into the one from yopyop001 would be great and should be in the FC Core of course with the 'Select Flexi Item - Reverse' :D ... nice feature

great job .... both of you

many thanks


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