[Plugins] Link content inside Flexicontent

15 years 6 days ago #3534 by yopyop001

Yes, it was on the TODO list for next update.

I will update soon the plugin but for now you can modify the query on the DisplayFieldValue fonction :

In the select_flexiitem.php
$field_elements= 'SELECT DISTINCT i.id as value, i.title as text, i.catid as catid,' .' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as itemslug' .' FROM #__content as i' .' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS fi_rel ON i.id=fi_rel.value' .' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid = i.id AND rel.catid=i.catid' .' WHERE fi_rel.field_id='.$field->id .' AND fi_rel.item_id='.$item->id .$orderby ;

and change the line
$link="<a href=\"".JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($result->value))."\" >";
$link="<a href=\"".JRoute::_(FlexicontentHelperRoute::getItemRoute($result->itemslug)) ."\" >";

For the select_flexiitem_reverse.php file, you have to adapt the query on the same way (add
.' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as itemslug'
on the query and load result->itemslug to generate the link.

I hope it'll work.

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15 years 2 days ago #3640 by micker
la mega classss !

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15 years 1 day ago #3683 by vlester
Excellent ! Just what I needed to show an author link.
Thanks a lot.

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14 years 11 months ago #4756 by vlester
I also noticed a problem with the sef url using this plugin (not the same problem than ComposerRyan: the alias of my articles display in a correct way):
I have created a category "Authors" to link authors to their articles with this plugin.
When I create a new author (new item with a type "author"), there is the name of a menu added in front of the url. Not always the same menu. Whatever, this menu is not at all related with this author and should'nt be here. And also, the url of the articles linked to an author changed in the same way.
For example what shoud be :

I created a flexicontent menu on my front page linked to the category "authors" and it solved the problem: now my url become wwww.mysite.fr/menu-authors/category-authors/eric-gallo
But in the back-end, when I go to the component AceSEF/Sef Urls, there are now two sef url created (the one with the weird menu and the correct one) for each article created with this plugin activated.
I can delete them one by one or just let them be there I guess. I just wanted to notice you the problem.

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14 years 10 months ago #5227 by ewel
Changing select_flexiitem.php worked, but if I make those changes to select_flexiitem_reverse.php the plugin no longer shows the links that were there.

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14 years 10 months ago #5276 by yopyop001

May be a ',' after 'title as text' was missing.

Here is a temporary query for select_fexiitem_reverse.php:
$field_elements= 'SELECT DISTINCT id as value, title as text,' .' CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(i.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(\':\', i.id, i.alias) ELSE i.id END as itemslug' .' FROM #__content as i' .' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_fields_item_relations AS fi_rel ON i.id=fi_rel.item_id' .' LEFT JOIN #__flexicontent_cats_item_relations AS rel ON rel.itemid=fi_rel.item_id' .' WHERE fi_rel.field_id='.$reverse_field .' AND fi_rel.value='.$item->id .$orderby ;

I have to fix the menu bug (see vlester post) and update the files.


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